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Super Tekla In London

Apr 24, 2018 | Latest News

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Super Tekla, the Filipino stand-up comedian, has taken the comedy scene by storm with his exceptional and extraordinary talent. Together with Martin D Icon, another talented comedian, they make a perfect duo to provide a stress-free Sunday treat for everyone.

Super Tekla’s performances are nothing short of amazing. His quick wit, impeccable timing, and hilarious punchlines never fail to leave the audience in stitches. He has a unique ability to find humor in everyday situations, making his comedy relatable and enjoyable for all.

Not only is Super Tekla funny, but he also has a heartwarming story of determination and perseverance. He started his career as a contestant on a popular reality show and has worked his way up through hard work and dedication. His rise to fame serves as an inspiration to many aspiring comedians.

When Super Tekla teams up with Martin D Icon, the result is pure comedic gold. Martin D Icon is known for his witty jokes and hilarious antics. Together, they create a dynamic duo that guarantees non-stop laughter.

Watching Super Tekla perform is the perfect way to unwind and forget about the stresses of the week, a good week-ender treat to everyone: STRESS-FREE Sunday.

It’s Super Tekla in the house!

VIP: £25 (Sold Out)
Tickets: £20 (Advance) / £25 (door)

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