
(44) 0191 273 6779
(44) 078 8674 2417


482 Elswick Rd, Benwell
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NE4 8ED

Georgia Filipino Shop
What Our Clients Say
4.58 store rating (237 reviews) | 4.78 product rating




largest network marketing company in Korea

Experience the magic of Atomy skin care products all the way from Korea. Transform your skincare routine with these high-quality and innovative products, carefully crafted to nourish and rejuvenate your skin. Discover the secret to a radiant and youthful complexion with Atomy. If you wish to join ATOMY or if you would like to experience Home Spa, you can also book with us , please contact Georgia’s Filipino Shop and indulge in the beauty of Korean skincare.

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Information AbOUT Atomy

Benefits of ATOMY
  • FREE life-time membership
  • NO monthly/annual fee
  • NO point closing purchases EVER
  • Accrued Personal Point (PV) is kept PERMANENTLY
  • Accrued Group Point (PV) NEVER flushed until commission is received
  • TOP QUALITY, all items are 100% KOREAN
  • Product PRICE is very AFFORDABLE
Atomy mission statement

Atomy’s ultimate goal is to become the world’s leading distribution hub. The hub is the central unit of a distribution network. that connects all the manufacturers and consumers in the world. that have absolute quality and absolute pricing, everywhere in the world.


Cherish the Spirit, Create the Vision, Follow the Faith, Serve in Humility.

Owner of Atomy
Mr. Han-Gill Park
Founded Atomy Co., Ltd. in 2004 and is also the CEO of Atomy America Inc. Atomy aims to deliver top quality product at the lowest prices, with patents all over the world.